Southampton Township​​
Bedford County, PA​
Official Site
Southampton Organizations
Over the years, there have been many groups and organizations in our township. The Chaneysville Volunteer Fire Company received its charter in 1960. The founding members helped to put up the building. The Chaneysville Senior Citizens meet in the addition to the firehall. A large community hall was added recently.
Some other groups were the Ladies Aids of the different churches, Girl Scouts, 4-H, Craft Groups, and the Parent Teachers Organization/Association of the school.
But the most questionable group was the KKK. It came to Chaneysville on September 14, 1992. In a field just outside of Chaneysville stood three very thin crosses that were lit at dusk and saluted by the members of the Keystone Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, all dressed in their white garb. They returned again for another cross-burning rally in June of 1996.

Chaneysville Volunteer Fire Company