Southampton Township​​
Bedford County, PA​
Official Site
Histo​ry of Southampton Township
The development of Southampton Township can be attributed to a number of factors. These include the existence of natural resources, farmland and timber, the ability of early settlers to tame the wilderness, and the development of transportation networks connecting the area with the outside world. The current character and resources of the community are a direct result of this historical development, and these resources can play significant roles in the current quality of life for the local residents. The rural and agricultural nature of the community is greatly impacted by the historical events from the past.
As you travel through Southampton Township, don't just admire our beautiful landscape with our thick forests, clear running streams, green meadows, and our abundance of wildlife. Remember our rich heritage. There are many families still living on their ancestors' homesteads. We have more than 60 buildings that are over 100 years old. Although most families have jobs outside of the township, many continue to raise animals just like their ancestors. We embrace the land that was carved out of the wilderness by those first settlers. Even though we lack a local convenience store, we like it that way. The slow pace of our lives makes us a special township. We sincerely hope that we will be able to pass our woodlots and farmlands on to our future generations, and preserve our beautiful natural landscape forever. We are proud of our past, enjoying the present, and planning for the future.